Three Billboards you need to see


It's hard to explain why you need to see this movie, but just that you do. This film reminds me of No Country for Old Men, where it's hard to describe, but the performances drive this film that keeps you interested and invested. While the narrative may seem simple, the conclusions it brings about is a shocker.  

The power house performance of Francis McDormand is reason alone to see this. As a grieving mother, she sets out to get answers for her daughter's rape and murder by publicly questioning the investigation of the local police. She is a fiery mother in search of answers up against police chief Woody Harrelson. He plays a great chief who genuinely cares, but is caught between a cold trail and a hot headed mother. 

Besides the performances, this film is shot wonderfully with several long takes and monologues to increase intensity. The sense of urgency is well throughout the film. However, I can't say enough about the acting in this film. 

- Mike