Thoughts: Madden 18 Scores A Touchdown


When annual games come out, not a whole lot changes between editions besides roster updates and minor graphical enhancements. That's not the case with Madden 18, the new NFL game by EA that's been out for a couple of weeks now. 

One of the main differences seen right from the start is the new Frostbite engine working to bring us amazing detail in each player. This new system engine is designed for the current generation of consoles and doesn't hold back as players get smoother transitions during gameplay. The running game no longer feels clunky and the passing game looks and feels beautiful with great catches by great players. While the play calling style hasn't changed in years, there's no need to fix what isn't broken. 

The new single player story mode Longshot takes Madden to a new level. You take control of Devin Wade, a talented quarterback looking to make it into the NFL. With the help of your best friend Colt Cruise, and the ghost of Mahershala Ali, you fight through game show-esque trials to prove yourself worthy. Along the way you, as a player, learn the quarterback position and skills that can help you during real games against other players. Not only is it a good story, but it also provides great insight into the mind and and work ethic of an elite quarterback. 

To top it all off,  both franchise mode and Madden Ultimate Team are back and easy to understand. The Ultimate Team mode has fun challenges that aren't too challenging and upgrading your team is easy without the need to buy money packs. Franchise mode is three-in-one, with player, coach, and team owner as available options. Add all of this to traditional gameplay modes, both online and offline; Madden 18 has more to offer and does so with great ease. Pick up your copy of Madden 18 for the season and come at me bro!

- Mike