Posts in Film
Year Wrap-Up: Our Favorite Movies of 2017

I love music and I love movies, so naturally Baby Driver has to be on this list. Edgar Wright’s best movie yet combines the two in dizzying, jaw-dropping ways, creating what might as well be a 90 minute music video. The movie is also surprisingly nuanced, with characters that defy their genre roles and direction that keeps up with all the beautiful chaos. 

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The Last Jedi breaks the mold and reignites a franchise

The prospect of a new Star Wars movie every year is still kind of frightening. Yes, The Force Awakens and Rogue One are not bad films by any margin, but it's hard to imagine the quality can sustain itself for too long. But out of this monkey's paw wish gone awry has come The Last Jedi, an incredibly well-made story that both dismantles and rebuilds the saga in shocking ways.

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